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Principal Investigator

External Grant



Project Coordinator, HKD 3,643,410, AI-empowered wind field simulation for sustainable urban microclimate design. Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG), No. C5004-24Y, 07/2025 to 06/2028.



Principal Investigator, HKD 911,317, Characterization of short-range interpersonal contaminant transport in enclosed environments using ultra-sensitive tracer gas method. Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, General Research Fund (GRF), No. 15202221, 01/2022 to 12/2024.



Principal Investigator, HKD 408,115, Investigating the personalized displacement ventilation system with the concurrent operation of gaspers for reducing airborne disease transmission in commercial airliners. Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Early Career Scheme (ECS), No. 25210419, 01/2020 to 12/2022.


Internal Grant



Principal Investigator, HKD 600,000, Air pollution modelling for urban areas in Hong Kong based on Fast Fluid Dynamics (FFD). Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD), RISUD Emerging Frontier Area (EFA) Scheme, 08/2021 to 07/2024.

Principal Investigator, HKD 200,000, A multiscale framework for predicting human exposure to indoor airborne antibiotic resistance genes of outdoor origin in urban areas. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, RGC Direct Allocation Grant (DAG), 07/2021 to 07/2023.

Co-Principal Investigator

External Grant



Co-Principal Investigator, Developing next-generation mid-infrared laser sensors for greenhouse gas monitoring, Project Coordinator Prof. Wei Ren. Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG), No. C4002-22Y, 07/2023 to 07/2026.



Co-Principal Investigator, HKD 34,604,000 (Dr. You's share: HKD 2,015,000), Healthy and resilient city with pervasive Localised Comfort Hubs (LoCHs), Project Coordinator Prof. Jianlei Niu. Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS), No. T22-504/21-R, 01/2022 to 12/2026.



Internal Grant



Co-Principal Investigator, HKD 4,198,293, An advanced research platform for one sustainable health in Shenzhen Research Institute, Project Coordinator Prof. Xiangdong Li. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Large Equipment Fund For Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI), 04/2022 to 05/2023.

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